LEAN and Six Sigma methodologies are being used more frequently in the Healthcare environment. Free Lean Six Sigma Training This website is a place to get up to speed on some of the nomenclature and procedures associated with LEAN and Six Sigma.
Use LEAN and Six Sigma to get a more profitable hospital in 5 days
Use LEAN and Six Sigma techniques to get a more profitable hospital in 5 days. In this special report by Jay Arthur, you will get an insight on how Six Sigma was used to reduce billing errors and increase cash flow within a hospital’s billing process. www.qimacros.com/pdf/A-Cheaper-Hospital-In-Five-Days.pdf
six sigma in Health care billing
http://www.iienet2.org/SHS/Details.aspx?id=19058 Paper from Society for Health Systems (SHS) on Six SIgma project at Texas Hospital
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